
Tutvuge meie uusimate tootearenduste, pakkumiste ja teiste huvitavate uudistega KAESER KOMPRESSORENist.

Aktuaalsed uudised

Kaeser Mobilair M13E Baustelle

10. 05 24

e-power M10E and M13E portable compressors: Compact powerhouses

Powerful, lightweight, quiet, versatile, and easy to transport: these are the key features of the smallest models in the e-power portable compressor range, the Mobilair M10E and M13E. Together with the Purpac F16 support frame, which includes a compressed air aftercooler and filter combination for the 1m³ class, users can even take advantage of technically oil-free compressed air.

Puhur FBS

24. 03 22

FBS rotary screw blowers: Pure efficiency

The FBS rotary screw blower from Kaeser represents the next milestone in the development of oil-free compression blower technology, designed especially with water industry applications in mind.

GBS rotary screw blowers set a new benchmark in compressor technology for the 75 to 160 kW power range, with a flow rate from 22 to 104 m³/min and differential pressures up to 1100 mbar. These machines not only feature exceptional control characteristics, quiet operation, an optimised footprint and low maintenance requirements – they also deliver consistently high efficiency across the entire control range.

Kaeser Kompressoren´i mobiilne ehituskompressor M255 on võimas, ohutu ja lihtne käsitseda. Kompaktne jõuallikas annab reguleeritava rõhu vahemikus 6–14 baari ja tootlikkuse kuni 25,5 m³/min.

Firma Kaeser Kompressoren turbopuhurid, tüüp Pillaerator, sobivad optimaalselt suure õhuvajadusega õhutuse ja aereerimise protsesside jaoks vee bioloogilisel eeltöötlemisel. Tänu moodsaimale tehnikale võimaldavad need usaldusväärset ja energiatõhusat käitamist ning teevad seeläbi võimalikuks madalad kulud kogu kasutuskestuse jooksul.

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